Riverside County Department of Animal Services-Blythe Animal Shelter
About: |
Provides animal control and pet licensing for Blythe, as well as unincorporated Riverside County. |
Adoption: | Animal types: |
Animal Control Services: | Service Type: |
Beyond Cats & Dogs: | Other Animals: |
Areas Served: | Cities: |
Clinic Services: | Service type: |
Lost pet services: | Notes: |
Pet license: | Pet type: |
Veterinary clinic: | Specials: |
Company Info: |
Website: http://www.rcdas.org Phone: 760-921-7857 License: rabiescontrol@rivcocha.org Email: shelterinfo@rivcocha.org Address: 245 S Carlton Blythe, CA 92225 |
Disclaimer: AnimalSource.com does not endorse or recommend any specific program or company by listing them on our site. The resources provided are for information only. | |
Reviews of Riverside County Department of Animal Services-Blythe Animal Shelter |
Owl Rating: | |
Created: 4/16/2013 6:29pm Last Updated: 11/22/2013 10:44am |