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The mission of RedRover is to bring animals out of crisis and strengthen the bond between people and animals through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education.
Domestic Violence:
Domestic Violence Safe Escape Grants-Grants pay for temporary boarding and/or veterinary care to enable a victim to remove pets to safety. For victim's safety, the application must be submitted by a shelter worker. Website also has list of resources about domestic violence and pets.

Financial help:
RedRover Relief-offers one-time grants to low- or no-income families, rescuers, and Good Samaritans facing emergency veterinary crises.

Help provided:
Emergency vet care

Animal type:
• Cat
• Dog
• Other

Client type:
• Low-income seniors
• Disabled
• Low income

Humane education:
Red Rover Readers-This unique community-based literacy program is aligned with academic content standards and helps children explore the bond between people and animals through stories and discussion.

Program focus:
Reading program

Animal type:
• Small animal (cat, dog, etc)
• Large animal/farm animal (horse, cow, etc)
• Wildlife

Senior services:
Service type:
Financial assistance

Useful numbers:
RedRover Responders shelters and cares for animals displaced by natural disasters and other crises. If you need sheltering assistance, please call RedRover at 800-440-3277.

Service type:
Disaster hotline

RedRover Responders-The RedRover Responders volunteer corps are the backbone of our efforts to provide lifesaving care and sheltering. Our unique training program combines the ease of self-paced online training with a community-building workshop. Educators trained in the innovative RedRover Readers curriculum read to students and lead discussions – helping children develop critical thinking skills and increase their level of empathy for people and animals.

Class type:
• Disaster response
• Humane education

Company Info: Website: http://redrover.org
Fax: 916-429-2456
Phone: 916-429-2457
Alt: relief@redrover.org
Email: info@redrover.org
Disclaimer: AnimalSource.com does not endorse or recommend any specific program or company by listing them on our site. The resources provided are for information only.

Reviews of RedRover

Owl Rating:

Created: 5/18/2012 5:14pm Last Updated: 11/22/2013 10:43am