Pet-Friendly LA
From dog parks and beaches to pet-friendly rentals and restaurants, the LA community loves their pets! The majority of places listed at this time are in LA County. We'll be adding resources for surrounding counties, so let us know if you want your favorite place listed! |
Muddy Paw Coffee
3320 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026
310-980-5856 (Phone)
A unique coffee roasting company that helps raise money for local animal rescues.
My Pit Bull is Family
A campaign uniting all animal lovers and supporters with one voice for one goal: to end insurance and housing discrimination of pit bulls & their families.
Apartment search engine that has specific search features for pet-friendly listings.
No Paws Left Behind
281-994-4546 (Phone)
A 501c3, not for profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and finding solutions to the growing phenomena of foreclosure pets.